Still yearning for more on the criminal justice system after
Confessions of an Innocent Man and When Justice Fails? Looking for another
perspective from that of the (fictionally) wrongfully accused or social science
researchers? Not to fret… Rehabilitation
and Incarceration: In Search of Fairer and More Productive Sentencing offers
a unique, judicial perspective from the late Hon. Harold Baer Jr., who served
on the New York Supreme Court and later “The Mother Court.”
In Rehabilitation and Incarceration,
U.S. District Judge Harold Baer Jr. explains the crisis of mass incarceration; how
it came about; and the pressing need and means to reduce prison populations and
recidivism, promote rehabilitation and re-entry into society, and protect
public safety.
Having presided over the experimental re-entry court of the U.S.
District Court for the Southern District of New York, Judge Baer brings to Rehabilitation and Incarceration insight
from his extraordinary experience in taking responsibility at every stage of
the criminal law process—from federal prosecutor to defense attorney to judge
presiding at trial and sentencing. In this book, Judge Baer recounts the lessons
learned from his re-entry court experience and argues that public safety and
our sense of humanity require that we drastically improve prisoner sentencing
and re-entry into society to reduce the high rate of recidivism.
Of the book, Fordham University Norris Professor of Law John
D. Feerick writes, “Judge… Baer lived a life of good works and service to the
community, with a faith in humanity and the worth of every individual.
Deploring a culture of mass incarceration and severe collateral consequences of
sentencing, the book offers many ideas for a better way of achieving the ideal
of rehabilitation. It reflects the author’s passionately-held view that in a
country unique in the history of the world as a bastion of freedom, new and
realistic approaches can and must be taken to reduce prison penalties, mandatory
minimum sentences, and recidivism. The book is excellently documented in
dealing with the problem of incarceration and filled with invaluable insights
as to fairer and more productive sentencing. Judge Baer has left us an
important legacy in the writing of his last manuscript. It deserves a wide
reading by interested observers of criminal justice.”
Rehabilitation and Incarceration: In Search of Fairer and More Productive Sentencing is now available on the New Books shelf.
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