Interested in learning what other attorneys are charging per hour? If so, take a look at the RateDriver app, which provides estimates of average attorney billing rates in over 50 major U.S. markets including Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio. The estimates take into account attorney practice areas such as employment and labor, intellectual property and trademark, and real estate. It also allows users to customize the estimates based on the firm size, whether the attorney is a partner or associate, and the years of experience the attorney has. The rate estimate information is pulled from the TyMetrix Legal Analytics data warehouse. Currently, however, the most recent data available is for 2012.
Interested in learning what other attorneys are charging per hour? If so, take a look at the RateDriver app, which provides estimates of average attorney billing rates in over 50 major U.S. markets including Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio. The estimates take into account attorney practice areas such as employment and labor, intellectual property and trademark, and real estate. It also allows users to customize the estimates based on the firm size, whether the attorney is a partner or associate, and the years of experience the attorney has. The rate estimate information is pulled from the TyMetrix Legal Analytics data warehouse. Currently, however, the most recent data available is for 2012.
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