The Legal Rights of the Convicted, by Barbara Belbot and Craig Hemmens. El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing, LLC, 2010.
The Legal Rights of the Convicted thoroughly covers the process and major issues pertaining to corrections law. The authors begin with an introduction discussing the prisoners' civil rights movement in the early part of the twentieth century, as well as expanding on the major sources of U.S. primary law and the concepts of due process relevant to those convicted. There is a chapter dedicated to sentencing issues such as the history and impact of sentencing reform as well as the consequences of a conviction or guilty plea. Other topics include probation, parole, use of force, and the applicability of first amendment protections, fourth amendment prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures, and eighth amendment cruel and unusual punishment to those convicted, particularly those incarcerated. This title is currently in the library's new titles shelf (KF9731.B45 2010).
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