The ABA Environment, Energy & Resources Section has recently published the second edition Environmental Litigation: Law & Strategy edited by Kegan A. Brown and Andrea M. Hogan. This eight-chapter book begins with Judicial Challenges to Federal Agency Action, which discusses types of agency regulatory action that is subject to challenge, requirements for such challenges, claims and standards of judicial review, and remedies. The chapter covering environmental criminal enforcement looks at the issues related to criminal enforcement, elements established by federal environmental statutes, mens rea, pre-trial matters, trial, and sentencing. The chapter covering civil environmental enforcement litigation discusses direct statutory claims, permit enforcement, and regulatory enforcement, and endangerment authorities. It also reviews relief sought by the government including injunctions and penalties as well as defenses to enforcement, settlement, procedural and evidentiary issues. Other chapters focus on Insurance Recovery for Environmental Liabilities, and CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act ) Cost Recovery. Citizen Suits, Toxic Tort Litigation, and Pesticide Litigation are also covered. This title is now in the library's stacks under call number (KF8925.E5 E58 2019).
Earlier this week, the University of Houston Law Center was fortunate to have as its guest Professor Daniel Kanstroom of Boston College of Law. An expert in immigration law, he is the Director of the International Human Rights Program, and he both founded and directs the Boston College Immigration and Asylum Clinic. Speaking as the guest of the Houston Journal of International Law’s annual Fall Lecture Series, Professor Kanstroom discussed issues raised in his new book, Aftermath: Deportation Law and the New American Diaspora . Professor Michael Olivas introduced Professor Kanstroom to the audience, and mentioned the fascinating tale of Carlos Marcello, which Professor Kanstroom wrote about in his chapter “The Long, Complex, and Futile Deportation Saga of Carlos Marcello,” in Immigration Stories , a collection of narratives about leading immigration law cases. My interest piqued, I read and was amazed by Kanstroom’s description of one of the most interesting figures in American le...
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