Water is a vital, and powerful, resource. In recent years, Texans have experienced this
power first hand, through both drought and record rainfall. The importance of water issues for Texas will
only continue to grow as the state considers questions related to rising sea
levels, climate change, and population growth.
For legal practitioners needing information about Texas water law, the O’Quinn
Law Library recently acquired the newest edition of Essentials of Texas Water
Resources, edited by Mary K. Sahs. This
substantial volume, published by the State Bar of Texas Environmental and
Natural Resources Law Section, contains 40 chapters on various water law issues
written by Texas water law experts.
The chapters cover surface water and groundwater regulation; water planning, including drought planning; water management strategies such as conservation, reuse, desalination, and reservoirs; drinking water supply issues; and related topics regarding environmental law, water quality, flood management, and energy issues involving water. To help locate information, it contains useful finding aids including an index, a table of statutes and regulations, and a table of cases. A good one-stop shop for general information about Texas water law, this resource can be found in our Texas collection at KFT1646.A75E87 2018.
The chapters cover surface water and groundwater regulation; water planning, including drought planning; water management strategies such as conservation, reuse, desalination, and reservoirs; drinking water supply issues; and related topics regarding environmental law, water quality, flood management, and energy issues involving water. To help locate information, it contains useful finding aids including an index, a table of statutes and regulations, and a table of cases. A good one-stop shop for general information about Texas water law, this resource can be found in our Texas collection at KFT1646.A75E87 2018.
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