Recently, the O’Quinn Law Library has added two new
collections to its HeinOnline collection, now available through the HeinOnline
link on the law library website, in the database drop-down menu.
Immigration Law &
Policy in the U.S.
The Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. collection is a
vast compilation of documents and resources related to immigration law and
policy. Included are Board of Immigration Appeals Precedent Decisions. These are administrative
decisions of the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO), the Board of Immigration
Appeals (BIA), and the Attorney General, which are selected and designated as
precedent by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the BIA,
and the Attorney General, respectively. You
can now search these decisions in HeinOnline by decision number or keyword.
Also included in the library are legislative histories for major immigration acts,
an extensive bibliography of immigration law resources, and many treatises.
U.S. Congressional
The U.S. Congressional Documents library has a variety of
sources relating to the work of Congress and the documents created as part of
the legislative process. Particularly notable in the collection is the complete
Congressional Record from its beginning in 1873, digitized and searchable. Also
included is a Congressional Record Daily to Bound Locator tool, which instantly
identifies the corresponding page number from one edition to the other (Daily
edition available from 1980 to present). Another great resource is the
Congressional Hearings Collection, including more than 24,000 hearings and an
easy to use “quick finder,” which makes finding hearings more efficient. Other
items in the collection include Congressional Budget Office Publications from
1975-present, various other works related to Congress.
Be sure to check out these outstanding new collections!
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