Since April is National Humor Month, I wanted to celebrate by offering up a few websites and blogs where you can go to enjoy the lighter side of the law: – Play “Spot the Tort,” browse strange and amusing judicial opinions, or read tales about law school on categories such as “Interview Faux Pas” and “Socratic Mishaps.”
Say What?! – Provides “real life Texas courtroom humor” from U.S. District Court Judge Jerry Buchmeyer’s Texas Bar Journal columns from 1990 to 2008.
Big Legal Brain – Satirical blog offering practical law office management tips such as “Keys to Building a Lebowski-Driven Practice” and how to “Boost Your Web Site with Cheesy Stock Images.”
Legally Drawn – Website featuring cartoons about life in the law.
That’s What She Said – Blog that dissects each episode of the television show “The Office” to estimate what the company would have to pay to defend itself in a real lawsuit.
This is just a sampling of the legal humor sites out there. For more examples, see the ABA’s list of Legal Humor Blogs, but try not to waste too much time! – Play “Spot the Tort,” browse strange and amusing judicial opinions, or read tales about law school on categories such as “Interview Faux Pas” and “Socratic Mishaps.”
Say What?! – Provides “real life Texas courtroom humor” from U.S. District Court Judge Jerry Buchmeyer’s Texas Bar Journal columns from 1990 to 2008.
Big Legal Brain – Satirical blog offering practical law office management tips such as “Keys to Building a Lebowski-Driven Practice” and how to “Boost Your Web Site with Cheesy Stock Images.”
Legally Drawn – Website featuring cartoons about life in the law.
That’s What She Said – Blog that dissects each episode of the television show “The Office” to estimate what the company would have to pay to defend itself in a real lawsuit.
This is just a sampling of the legal humor sites out there. For more examples, see the ABA’s list of Legal Humor Blogs, but try not to waste too much time!
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