A few days ago, I was alerted to a brief article that was posted to the Law News Now portion of the ABA Journal 's website (hat-tip to Mon Yin) regarding a report posted to the Wall Street Journal Law Blog that asked, " Which Federal Appeals Court Cites Wikipedia Most Often? " Since this is a topic near and dear to my heart, I decided to see if I could corroborate their findings. Sorry to get picky, but I did find some small mistakes (although the gist of the posting is still accurate). The Law Blog posting claims that they "only recorded those instances in which an appeals court used Wikipedia for its own purposes , rather than citing it secondarily through a lower court or a party’s pleading" (emphasis added). But it then charged the Seventh Circuit with "36 citations". In reality, their lexis.com* search retrieved 36 cases, but not all of them were citing to Wikipedia for the court's "own purposes". [*I'm not 100% sure they use...
The Blog of the University of Houston Law Center O'Quinn Law Library