HeinOnline is a database created by William S. Hein & Co., and accessible from the Legal Databases section of the library's website. It currently contains "over 40 million pages of research material", all available in their original format via PDF.
In addition to its collection of over 1,400 law journals (with coverage from the first issue onward), HeinOnline has the following libraries (keep in mind, even this list does not include everything available):
In addition to its collection of over 1,400 law journals (with coverage from the first issue onward), HeinOnline has the following libraries (keep in mind, even this list does not include everything available):
- English Reports, Full Reprint (1220-1867)
- Federal Register Library - this contains the Federal Register (1936-current, updated daily) and Code of Federal Regulations (1938-current), as well as the Weekly and Daily Compilations of Presidential Documents, and the United States Government Manual (1935-current)
- Legal Classics - over 1,400 historical works, ranging from the Code of Hammurabi to Benjamin Cardozo and Louis Brandeis
- Session Laws Library - session laws from all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, also Acts of Parliament from Canada and Australia
- Treaties and Agreements Library - this library contains all U.S. treaties (in force, expired, or not officially published yet), and is divided into 5 sections: Official Treaty Publications, Unofficial Treaty Publications, Treaty Guides and Indexes, Treaties, Books and Texts, and Important Treaties and Agreements Links
- United States Code (complete coverage)
- U.S. Federal Legislative History Library - contains compiled legislative histories of major federal laws
- U.S. Presidential Library - collection of documents ranging from George Washington's term to the present
- U.S. Statutes at Large (1789-2007)
- U.S. Supreme Court Library - U.S. Reports and other titles pertaining to the Court
- World Constitutions Illustrated - a new, developing library that is designed to eventually provide the complete constitutional history for every country
- World Trials Library - includes court documents, analytical resources, and biographies of famous trial lawyers
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