With the new term of the Supreme Court of the United States just around the corner , here are some search tips for finding decisions authored by a particular justice. When using lexis.com: To find all opinions (of any type) authored by a particular justice, use the WRITTENBY segment in the U.S. Supreme Court Cases, Lawyers' Edition (GENFED;USLED) database: e.g., writtenby(scalia) . To find all opinions of a particular type authored by a particular justice, use one of the following narrower segments: • Use OPINIONBY to find "opinion[s] of the Court" (i.e. majority and plurality opinions) authored by a particular justice; • Use CONCURBY to find concurring opinions (including "in part" or "in the judgment") authored by a particular justice; • Use DISSENTBY to find dissenting opinions (including "in part") authored by a particular justice. NOTE: There can be some overlap between the CONCURBY and DISSENTBY segments. In instances where a ju...
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